When Disaster Strikes: Preparing for the Unexpected

Adam Davis

October 9, 2020 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 
Eligible Credits: 1
Location: Virtual - Laguna Hills, CA

Session Description:

On 3/3/2020 our main office location was destroyed in a devastating tornado. While a tornado may be something that never affects you; fire, flooding and break-ins are fairly common. Dr. Davis will discuss 1. What we were prepared for 2. What we were not prepared for 3. Insurance coverages 4. Common pitfalls

Session Objectives:

  1. Make known what we went through starting @ 1:18 am
  2. Have a Crisis plan in place
  3. Insurance Coverage Considerations
  4. Do’s and Don’ts

Expect to Learn:

  1. What to do when disaster strikes
  2. Critical Insurance Coverage
  3. How to create a Crisis Plan



Course Type: Lecture