Dynamic Navigation in Endodontics: What There is to Know

Bobby Nadeau

October 10, 2020 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM 
Eligible Credits: 1
Location: Virtual - Laguna Hills, CA

Session Description:

Dynamic navigation has been used in different fields of medicine since the 1990s. Despite the very high demands for accuracy and precision of surgical and non-surgical Endodontics, the use of dynamic navigation in this field only began in recent years. Dynamic navigation can facilitate conservative endodontic procedures, which arguably leads to improved patient-centered outcomes.

Session Objectives:

New advancements and capabilities of dynamic navigation as well as associated learning curve, shortcomings and costs involved will be discussed.

Expect to Learn:

  1. Understand the principles of dynamic navigation
  2. Understand the different capabilities of dynamic navigation in Endodontics
  3. Understand some of the subtleties involved in implementing dynamic navigation within the endodontic practice



Course Type: Lecture